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2025 Schedule

2025 Schedule

The team season officially begins practicing December 1st each year and the race is typically February through early May.

We have formal practices twice a week: Thursday evenings and Sunday afternoons (typically at Sokol Park).

Race Schedule — Alabama Cycling Association

Check the Alabama Cycling Association for the most up-to-date status of the race schedule

What to Expect on Race Weekends

While we usually have a race in Tuscaloosa, most races are scattered around the state, so you will need to plan ahead accordingly for travel. Anyone that wants to race can race! We want everyone to have the opportunity to race if they would like to.

For middle school racers (boys and girls), the race takes place on Saturdays, with practice routes typically available on both the Friday evening before as well as the morning of the race event. High school races are on Sundays, along with a practices after the middle school races on Saturday as well as Sunday morning.